Namecheap is the web hosting company, which provide best and cheap domain or Web Hosting. Namecheap is the top level domain and hosting registered company. Many of audience and various Country of people trusted to this company.
If you want to start a website, then you need to required hosting or domain name so one of the best namecheap Provide trusted hosting or domain service. Namecheap is the company which collaborate with other many top level company in India.
Namecheap provide many types of services like email, hosting, domain service, wordpress installation, website builder, SSL certificate or affiliate program etc. So you can start with namecheap and build website in them.
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Namecheap Web Hosting Reviews | Cheap and Best Hosting Company -Sandeep Blogging Tips |
Namecheap Hosting Review
If you want to start a website or build your career in website, then you need to required cheap hosting and fast secure hosting. So if you search in Google search chief and best hosting then I suggest you namecheap. Because I personally used this hosting. They give fast and secure hosting. And also they provide SSL certificate beach make in hence protection in your website.
Do you know if your website loading fast is the very matter, because many of the hosting company available in the market, but they provide secure hosting but they do not in sure of your website protection. So your website overloading or many people come together at a time, then your website goes slow down and your website is going to crash. So I also recommended to cheap and best hosting like namecheap them which give you better result.
namecheap provide helpline centre, where you can discuss your problems about hosting or domain service this is really very good for the users because many of audience when purchase the hosting and domain they have no idea how to connect to this domain to web hosting or how to install web hosting in the WordPress in C panel. So this company provide exclusive support for them. This is the main reason you can buy hosting or domain in this company.
Namecheap Account Setup Process
Namecheap profile and account setup process is too much this is a very simple where you can set up your account. If you want to set up this account. Then you need to only one Gmail account then you can easily set up namecheap account follow this process below.
1. Go to and search namecheap
2. Then you see this website in the top Google rank
3. Simple click here or open this website
4. One thing is noted that your website namecheap should open with .com
5. After the complete open this website you need to setup your account with namecheap
6. In the corner side of website you see here sign up or sign in button, if you have already account then you easily sign in , if not you have click on ssign up button.
7. Enter your user name like this Sandeep05235. You can make your username unique and they do not match with any other.
8. Make your high sensitive password and confirm your password, then below you enter your first name or middle name last name,
9. Now enter your email ID, terms and condition then click create account and continue, your provided email id you you need to confirm it then you open your email id and confirm by link or password. After confirmation your account is Full Activated and then you need to required sign up and login by your email or passwords.
10. After login you see dashboard of namecheap homepage or also you purchase any plan or services.
Namecheap Domain Buy
We want to purchase domain name from namecheap in you need to required setup your account and login in your dashboard. Here you can buy many plan like domain, hosting email or many types of services related website.
If you want to do men only then simple click on domain option and here you can see the various types of plan in the top level domain. Then you can choose the domain name by enter your name like or etc enter domain name by your requirement.
After the selected your domain name you need to pay domain charges for this. So if you have necessary credit card or any net banking service. Go to payment page then you do payment from your payment system. After the payment system your confirmation email or bill payment of this domain service send by namecheap in the your registered email id you can see this.
After the successful payment and your domain name need to required activate, if you have idea how to activate or not you can contact the support team or watch YouTube video in my channel. You can easily connect your domain or wordpress hosting and Blogger hosting easily to this method.
Namecheap Cost
namecheap provide different types of line in different types of services. If you want to purchase hosting with domain, you need to more charges this service. And if you buy only domain name in namecheap hosting company, so simple you need to do not give more charges, because namecheap give single domain services for the users.
In the some services of name chief give free trial with the user. Like if you want to registered email ID then namecheap give free trails for 2 month. This facilities is is the too much to much good for user because many of audience, after the use of the email they can easily decide, they should go paid level or not. So if you want to this then check out.
Namecheap Domain Renewal Price
During the purchase of the domain, namecheap provide facilities to renewal price after the completing one year or your dormant exiting time. This price is not too much high. If you compared to this price to another company then you you have cheap in namecheap. Because this give you to compare option for other website or domain registered. So if you have not trusted then you to easily compared with other website.
The after the completing dormant exiting years then you need to renew your domain for continue in future otherwise your domain will be for kid by the namecheap Company and also other person pickup the domain and use this domain. So you cannot recover after the domain your parked. Due to water the completing your domain selected plan then you can renewal before the expiry of your domain. For your domain is a completely working in your website and in the future no problem with your domain.
Namecheap Subdomain
If you purchase one domain from this namecheap website, you can easily create multiple domain with one domain this process is known as subdomain. Where one domain is created multiple types of subdomain. This facility is provided almost all types of registered hosting or domain company. Alpha this facility is provided by namecheap. You can create multiple subdomain from one domain and make money online with this subdomain.
If you want to create subdomain for make website to the subdomain then you can easily do this, this is a very simple process you can do this with any registered dormant company. Simple go to your domain registered company where u domain purchase and go to your dashboard or create a subdomain from main domain.
Namecheap dns Server
DNS means domain name server. Which is very important for the connect domain with hosting. If you find this domain can you simple copy paste below name server in your hosting for blogger. You need to point your domain to hosting by the name server.
Above the nameserver of hosting. This name server simple copy or paste where you have registered domain. If you registered domain with namecheap then you need to copy this and paste namecheap domain. This is called DNS record. And as this is known as DNS IP server or address.
Namecheap website builder
Namecheap provide website builder service which started recently with the collaboration of other company. So if you don't need to find website builder, are no need to more charge pay anybody.
Namecheap website builder with the Cpanel tools. Now you can easily create a website with the namecheap website builder. Because this is a very simple method if you do not knowledge about coding and know about how to create a website using website builder then you can easily create a website and also design your layout.
If you are successful create website using website builder tool, then your website ready to public articles. Website builder give many types of facilities like customization of your layout, upload picture in your website, create contact us form, easily edit your navigation bar, and also easily add label or category in your website.
If you start a website for your business which is may be offline or online, so then no required to to pay extra charge pay for company. Because here you can easily create eCommerce website payment system, add to cart button, add helpline number for your customer and also add product reviews and description. There are various types of feature available in the website builder visual display.
Namecheap sale
Namecheap provide time-to-time extra discount or offer for customer. And also this offer is a very cheap and best here you can easily take benefit to purchase of hosting or domain to the sale. This cell is come in the most of the the festival of of our country or some occasional festival Namecheap Give big discount for the customers.
Most of the people waiting for this big offer of discount, do you know that every hosting or online product selling company have a a special day which is called Black Friday. On this day you can get big and best deal for hosting or domain. So don't miss these types of offer or deal and regular check the Namecheap website for hosting or domain in cheap price.
Namecheap give some Mega offer for the customer, where they provide 20% discount in hosting or domain. This types of the activated time to time or weekly wise. And also provide namecheap coupon code for discount. Using the coupon code you can get up to 80% discount. So this is the very relief for your money and you can get extra discount.
Namecheap forward domain
Namecheap redirect to another website service, if you want to purchase a new domain or start a website but you want to to redirect your old Domain in the new website then you can easily do it. URL to forwarded is allowed to redirect your domain in other website or different website. This process you can easily transfer your old visitor in your new website so this is very really good things.
For example if you already created website which is about 2 year old, then you want to purchase a new website or create website but in the new website you have no any visitors or audience, like your new website is so simple you redirect your website in the new website then your also visitors go new website without any problem.
This process is good for SEO ranking and did not affect your SEO or index ranking. And also Google allow the steps of teachers in your home page Google search engine. So this is good for ratio or ratings in the website. This method is also permanent method redirect to another website without losing your visitors.
How to add subdomain in namecheap
If many of people create a website with the namecheap and also want to create a subdomain from one website, and they didn't want to buy a new domain for make a new website but this is really possible you can easily create many subdomain from one website. So simple process follow step and 2 in your website.
1. Login in your namecheap account
2. Navigate in to domain tab or drop menu name-server where DNS option.
3. Check your domain is pointed to namecheap DNS server
4. Go to advanced DNS tab and click the add new record button It's under the host record section.
5. Now choose your subdomain and also successful created.
6. After the completed click on save button. Or you can also add multiple subdomain with same process.
Namecheap Web Hosting Reviews | Cheap and Best Hosting Company -Sandeep Blogging Tips. if you like this article then share in your social media or friends.