New Information Technology IT Rules that is regulating the social media platforms and whenever the social media intermediaries so the government has brought New Information Technology IT Rules.
that will regulate that how they should operate but before going into that what are the different features of New Information Technology IT Act 2021 we will have to understand that what our social media intermediaries.
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New Information Technology IT Act 2021 - |
What Is Social Media intermediaries ?
it is a platform or an organization that facilitates the interaction between two or more people. where the people are creating the content where the people are sharing the information where the people are uploading the information
tweeter, Facebook, ott platforms for example Netflix amazon prime and all this all this comes under intermediary but after the new rules the government has classified this intermediaries.
New Information Technology IT Act 2021 - Divided In to Two Categories
- Significant Social Media Intermediaries - The government has said that any platform that have more than 50 lakhs of user is significant social media. Facebook, twitter, google comes under the significant social media Intermediaries.
- Social Media Intermediaries - it is a platform or an organization that facilitates the interaction between two or more people. where the people are creating the content where the people are sharing the information where the people are uploading the information.
What Is The need of New Information Technology Rules ?
The need of new rules is because of the spread of fake news and & Fake News Means :- Spread of Disinformation and whenever you are writing something in your answer will have to substantiate it whenever you are just mentioning that spread of disinformation then what the examiner will understand just you can add one or two statements along.
spread of disinformation or misinformation had social has political has economic cost now this statement is complete and spread of disinformation and the misinformation is having the social cost then you can give the example of mob lynching.
we are telling that it has the political cost then you can say that electoral electoral or voting behavior is being manipulated voting behavior is being manipulated you can say like this obviously whenever you are substantiating anything it will give a very good impression of
yours to the examiner.
New Information Technology IT Act 2021 - |
Hate speech :- digital media you will look into your facebook twitter whatsapp you will feel that people are uttering something against the particular religion & identity factors like gender identity, against the race that is against a particular set of community that is defined by their own ethnicity
it has again social cost political cost and economic cost and the government has also brought one or you can say the government has also create one committee tk vishwanathan to frame or to recommend that how we can control hate speech but we all know that the hate speech is being propagated through the digital media.
sexual harassment :- the sexual harassment very explicitly because the government has made it very clear and has spoken explicitly that these social media platforms propagating the harassment against the women.
international has conducted a survey in 22 countries and this survey has found that approximately 58 percent of the women had suffered some kind of sexualharassment from the social media platform.
If any women is creating any reels on the instagram and this that reels is being circulating on the facebook people are making the vulgar comments.
the government was creating the new rules the government has made it very clear that the social media platforms for this intermediaries can do business in india.the government is very simply telling that you can do business in india therefore tagline these are the taglines which you can use do business in india but any business or no business is above the constitution
and rule of law
What are the New Information Technology Rules all about ?
identification of the originator of the Message - it is essential to identify the originator of the Message it is very important to detect to detect the reason that who are the first person. Who has a spread fake news hate news any sexually content or any sexually
loaded videos
you will have to first detect now after detect you can also prevent the spread of that video or that content and now if the law enforcement agencies thinks that this message is defamatory
this message is malicious then proper investigation can be done that you don't know that who was the first person who has originated this message because of end-to-end encryption.
observe due diligence - the social media intermediaries need to do the very first thing that they will have to publish new rules and regulation privacy policy.
social media intermediaries will have to give the compliance report every month they will have to publish this compliance report to the ministry of information and broadcasting these are the due diligence or these are the new rules social media intermediary.
If Any Person Not Follows These Rules, immunity has been provided to them Under Section 79 Of IT Act Will Punish
Rules For Blocking - the government says that if any message has sexual contained, very intimate scenes then it must be removed within 24 hours.
the government also says to the social media intermediaries to remove the particular content and modify the particular content then it must be done within 36 hours this is the new rules for the blocking.
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New Information Technology IT Act 2021 - |
What are the benefits of these New Information Technology rules ?
the government brings new policies when the government brings or enacts a new law when the government
breaks brings any subordinate legislation when the government brings new rules new regulations new guidelines obviously it has the benefit but certain sections of the people will criticize it and i will not say they
mean they are criticizing it they are trying to find out the lacuna in that particular act in that particular rules and regulation that is also good at their place
What is the necessity of New Information Technology rules ?
1. Ensuring Compliance to domestic Laws.
2. Fixing Accountability
3. Social Imperative
4. Time Bound Removal Of Content